buttered and toasted and ready to make some kind of magic
exxxplode across the universe and converge in an orgiastic concentration
of excellent flavor and intense texture right in your mouth.
y'can't have sandwich week without bread.
it's very important.
i gotta figure out how to make gluten-free vegan bread.
if i get that right, i'll be the wonderful wizard of sandwich sorcery.
i'm baking focaccia this morning.
yesterday, however, i was a hoe for hoagies.
check it out:

pan-seared slabs of red lentil seitan sausage,
fried with olive oil and veggie broth to get the right blend of steam, sizzle, and brown.
that's how you make it POP, papa.
with arugula and radicchio,
and gala apple sticks, for crunch, and sweetness, and bitterness, all in one place.
the bottom of the toasty bread is smeared with a slathered-on splat of
vanilla-kissed cider-stewed cranberry SAUCE.
as bosslike as ever, the sauce takes you to another level of taste.
and there's leeks, caramelized in a pan already full of tempeh bacon crackles-
that's flavor-flav on top of flavor, friends.
with toasted pecans for crunch,
and fried garlic chip sprankles.
you need 'em, and i got 'em, and they are something special.
unless you're terrible, or allergic to deliciousness, you already know.
and vegan mayo to lube up your whole life, on top of the buttery toastiness.

too much is the right amount.
always and forever.
it'll never be enough.
i mean,
it ALL goes together to make a big picture.
i have all this love in my heart, and nowehere to put it,
so i'm plating it up and devouring it.
i'm a wild thing, albeit the most boring one.
i will eat you up, though, because i love you so,
even if there's a sandwich standing in as a surrogate sacrifice.
that's better, anyway, on all counts, i think.
don't eat living beings, bro.
it's lame af.
but LOOK at all this amazing sh!t:

and that bread made each and every tastebud do a backflip.
1 cup of king arthur bread flour;
1/2 cup king arthur all-purpose flour;
1/3 cup semolina flour;
1 tsp sea salt;
2 T olive oil;
1 pkg fast actin' yeast;
>1 cup warm water-
knead it for 11 minutes,
let it rise for thirty, divide it in 3, shape it...
let those rise on parchment, an inch or two apart, for thirty more minutes,
oil the tops,
cut some slits,
and bake 'em at 375℉ for thirty.
what do you get?
you get to eat the best bread.
that's a fact.
it's a snow day,
but of course, it's also NOT one.
i mean, ANYthing could happen,
but i'm wagering that even after saying the thing about the two bunnies
when i woke up yesterday,
whatever actually happens will NOT be expert.
it's the holiday season, and bad weather,
and nothing makes more people need to travel in the north
than a combination of those two things.
so, today i'll be at AMPERSAND TATTOO,
doing little tattoos and talking to moms who want gift cards for their kids.
i can't wait.
being cold and mostly by myself is a non-stop scene today.
there will be sandwiches, though.
and that's something to be glad about.
little notes to myself to remind me that i am talented,
even when it matters little to not at all;
never quiet, never soft.....
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