Sunday, June 8

Less carefully nurtured, less fruitful than these,

the wedding was lovely,
as far as weddings go.
the newlywed mrs. rizzo made sure that the 2 sober,tattooed vegans were well taken care of.
there was a churchy part (in a church, even),
which was full of silly jesusy talking, but was still mostly nice.
good food and fun times followed,
and we hung out for the duration as a show of respect and goodwill towards jess's dad and stepmom.
it went smooth.
i stayed up until 4:30 a.m. watching t.v. like a hypnotized zombie.
t.v., yo. i'm sayin'.

it all took place at the oh so posh Providence Biltmore hotel.

more on all that later,
starting now,
it's time to make minutes matter more with my magnificent miniature
barbarian vixens, son.....

how and where and why.
being dope.
role model style.
never quiet, never soft.....

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