Tuesday, September 15

wizards and warriors.

where all ya'll scandalous skanks at?
because i'm over here.
y'know, at the fire.
warm apple cider,
rip-roarin' woodsly flames,
starry night skies,
and crisp season-changing air;
that's what's poppin'.
five nights in a row,
five hot fiery evenings,
all dopeness, all the time.
i'm reppin' the wizardly druidic warrior style.
it goes good with blazing ragers.
and it keeps embers off of my melon
when i'm layin' scant inches from the heart of the heat.
nothing goes worse with a burgeoning blad-spot than a scalded scalp,
burnt bangs and flame-broiled follicles.
what i'm sayin' is:
while i may never turn into a beautiful swan,
ugly ducklings are only ever water-resistant,
regardless of how much hot fire spit they spout.

Folk Life & Liberty.
that's some big action bold business.
rural righteous really real life and freedom to act according to a worthy will.
now add in some hot fire.
heck yeah, kids.
even when it's at it's closest, smallest, and most meager,
the woodsly goodness provides a platform of pure awesome.
i love it when everything is going according to plan.
even when it's mostly a secret one.
if you take a deep breath,
you can smell the gratitude mixed in with the wood smoke.

uncle steven should be rockin' out on the deck all day,
with his dandy little sander machine,
and some linseed sealant an' that;
jess has been strippin' all day,
without a single dollar-dollar bill in her panties to show for it.
it's hard to get in 'em when she's got her business overalls on.
paint strippin' just doesn't get me that hot and bothered,
although the chernobyl-sauce that gets things started might....
scrapin' old paint of older furniture is what's goin' on over here,
wallpaper-displeasure-powered redoo-doo and replacement;
i'm not trying to get in on any of that kind of improvement action.
however, i've been across the state and back again,
with scant results to show for my trouble.
i already rocked an extra-long stink-saturated stump,
crashed out on the warm lawn,
chatted it up well nice with my peoples,
and it's still daylight.
these times are happening, even though not much else is.
a proper day OFF, my ninjas;
never quiet, never soft.....

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