Monday, March 15


the ides of march, y'all.
i'm on that wary, scary, just-woken-type sh!t.
we've got some real deal march weather here.
it's just as ugly and dope as it gets;
it's windy.
and wet.
and i think there's a roman duder with a knife somewhere.
in like a lion,
stabbin' up the joint, an' that,
and out like a liam.
or something.
that's some qui-gon jinn style blue ghostie business, even.
i guess i'd prefer a lightsaber hole to a dagger poke.
if only for cool points before i throw up and die.
et tu, obi-wan?
i think i'm more concerned with the st. Ides of march.
ninjas get the real march madness off of those jauns.
remember that on wednesday, kids.
if it ain't malt liquor, it ain't a 40oz.
it's just a big beer.
regardless of what the label says.
and those're words of wisdom from a real-life
hard-style drunk person,
so they must be true.
am i tatblasting "the weiner guy" today?
i sure am.
it's because of the ides, duders.
i'm shading the sh!t outta the viking valkyrie backpiece
that i've been working on for the last month or so.
work is a good thing.
i'd rather have it and be grumpy,
rather than not have it and be grumpier.
dollar dollar bills, y'all.
gimme some money!
'specially since we go and do our taxes tomorrow,
so i'm probably gonna need those movie checks, y'heard?
beware the day after the ides, too.
we are also as happy as a couple of hot brick ovens
to announce the arrival of a brand-spankin' new little bun!
we're uncle albie & auntie jess, again...
that's what's up;
my bro-in-law robert and his girlyfriend, sharon,
have produced a bouncing little bitty baby boy.
the first grandkid on that side of the family.
that's kind of a big deal, innit?
early yesterday mornin',
_____ thomas guercia entered the world!
he's called blank t.?
uh huh.
that's pretty gangster, ninjas.
but just for a little minute-
they haven't decided on a first name yet....
i think albie sounds pretty flippin' good,
but there's absolutely zero chance of that happening.
whatever they name 'im,
i'm still super happy for those crazy kids.
i'll bet that helpless pink raisin is already their favorite one.
now we'll see how they do without sleep for weeks on end.
looks like we'll be making the voyage down to ct. again....
a trip to waterbaby world to see a baby?
now that makes sense.
it's my friday over here.
i'd be peeing my pants with gleeful promises
of relaxing, and maxing, and assorted leisures.
but this weekend seems like it's gonna suck 'em.
i mean,
wood staining?
st. patrick?
ALL kinds of lame cake for my face.
there's rumours on the package progress tracker, kids;
vandyke's has a special delivery for me!
and when you see the eleventh level of locks and keys
i've learned about,
the boners will be a-poppin'.
believe it;
never quiet, never soft.....

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