Tuesday, March 9

two for tuesday.

what a whirlwind of work.
we discovered six inches of average in the wood.
(yes, that's what SHE said, but...)
let me explain:
a small patch of my epic lavatory escaped
the turbo-hottness treatment.
it's true, duders.
but it's okay.
a little bitty portion of slats and boards
didn't have that eleveny goodness.
i fixed the problem with a little help from
my good budies at vandyke's restorers.
i still love those distant electronic treats suppliers.
turns out,
all it needed was some forged iron stuff,
and some rustic barbarian battlement bits.
problem solved, kids.
the chores didn't just stop there, either.
who got a table saw?
oh, yes i did.
long pieces of wood are gonna get ripped now.
i know this because the package tells me so.
and i like it, too.
there's precious metal mineral mayhem lining on it.
that's a real thing.
the spinning ninja circle has extra kung-fu in it,
or something like that.
all i know is:
i bought a self-supporting wheel of fortune.
to slice, dice, and make fiddlesticks with.
we had some hungry heads up in here today.
y'know what the cure for that is?
teriyaki-glazed tofu rice bowl.
with chinese cabbage, red peppers, onions, celery,
basil, broccoli, snow peas, scallions, sesame seeds,
and cashews.
a full house of folks actively participating.
and chewing and swallowing.
my homemade asian marinades might have some peoples
wondering if my name is pronounced albie WOK.
...it's not.
but that's dope.
dinner for six?
got that.
dinner party?
so grown up, yeah?
adult time is on the menu, as well as the delicious treats.
it's cool.
although the tail end of the hangin'-out got dicey.
everybody was cool,
i just had to try and light a fire using wet paper.
had to?
yeah. had to.
i had some rugged gloves on,
and didn't realize it at the time.
instead of my usual one-match lighting prowess,
i used two.
that's the kind of thing that can really spark some berserker fury.
i had a leftover luxury stink-log waiting for me.
so soothing, despite the burning bite
of the wrapped-up latin leaves.
viva cuba!
that's real.
we've got bad movies to watch,
and werewolf books to read.
everybody's gone,
and we're still here.
just like always;
never quiet, never soft.....

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