Wednesday, June 16

tame wilderness.

it's wednesday!
y'know, wotan's day.
that's odin, if you're nasty (or a viking).
the one-eyed all-father of wisdom and wizardry-
now there was a dude who kept it really real.
poppin' out his own eye, stapling himself to the world tree,
talking to crows, and hard-style pounding giants and goddesses.
that's kind of what's up.
and it's exactly the kind of day i want to have.
thunderstorms are on their way,
so the lightning-striking berserker angle is covered.
now with a little hot fire,
and a whole lot of hard-style pounding,
i think i can make a worthy warrior epic over here.
word up.
wednesday, my ninjas.
i'm sayin'.
never mind all that prince spaghetti crap-
it's barbarian warlord sorcery day.
and you KNOW you like barbarians.
maybe not those conan ones so much.
but the real ones are doooooope.
like those o.g. goths who never ever heard of robert smith?
what's up with axe-chopping, pillaging, gate-storming,
city-sacking savage stormswept fury, all day every day?
i'm just sayin',
we need some more of that, duders.
go outside and break some fragile stuff.
i'm serious.
chop some kind of something up.
with a hatchet.
or better yet, a double-bitted axe.
start a fire.
wear your pet's pelt as a cloak.
i suggest skinning it first.
twelve pounds of p.o'd cat is not the ideal fashion accessory.
eat some weird unidentified wild mushrooms,
and when the diarrhea stops,
get naked and go do some berserking.
it's wednesday, kids.
make it a good one.
some people call it 'hump day'.
and aren't they awfully optimistic?
but i'm married, so i know better.
awwwwwwwwwwwww, man.
it's the day.
today is the day.
smash a jelly jar in the grocery store.
(even after mopping, a sticky legacy remains for days)
urinate in public places.
get busy.
get busy getting busy.
channel some wild mutha-flippin' animal spirits.
run, jump, yell, scream,
be a barbarian.
if it isn't all really happening,
make it happen;
never quiet, never soft.....

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