Friday, June 25

wolfen where?

did anyone else notice that milky circle in the sky
these last few nights?
it's big.
real big.
big like a big pizza pie.
the kind that hits-a you eye...
summer seriousness, in full-(moon)-effect.
i'm so tuned-up by this post-solstice waxed-up moon,
i may even be lifting one leg when i pee.
i'm definitely a poco-loco solo-lobo.
yeah. out of control from my scalp to my hole, and then some.
that's lycanthropic jejune in late june.
i'm just sayin', it gives me no nutrients.
no mutha-flippin' way there's not some kind of
ghost circle connection here.
concentric circles, witch balls, smoke rings,
and secret universal nature spirits.
not like we're gonna start l.a.r.p.-ing,
but on the really reals, ninjas-
i've got that full-moon fever,
shed skin, gnashing, bashing, smashing, trashing, slashing,
and all the other 'ashing you can think of.
the woodsly goodness blesses it's bold and worthy ones, y'all.
howled be thy name.
oh, c'mon.
it's friday.
that's somethin'.
not for me,  much,
but for all you regular 9-5ers out there.
so, y'know, good for you.
i'll be blasting the sauce in every direction until tonight,
that's tatty-o sauce, for the record,
not weak- or fertile-,
be easy.
there's plenty of wiener jokes,
and orifice references to be made.
if you're around, and you're 'bout it,
stop over and give up some propers to a duder.
the werewolf fury doesn't arrive until dark,
so you've got time.
it's busy business in the mountainous hottness-
never before have i done so much, so often,
and accomplished so little.
but the true tales told truly keep coming.
battle-bards and scalding, scolding skalds-
can't stop, won't stop;
never quiet, never soft.....

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