Tuesday, August 30


cords and cords and cords and cords
and cords and cords and cords.
the special delivery trucks came by and dropped off
a whole humongous heap or three of some royally
righteous maple, oak, beech, birch, and locust.
just sayin', neighbors-
corduroy is the fabric of kings,
but cordwood is the fabric of reality.
y'all ninjas know what time it is:
and that's not even the half of it.
seven cords of hardwood,
for your face!!!
the main ingredient in hot fire,
and the primary component of warm winter lodging.
we've got a forest's worth of felled logs,
cut. split. seasoned. the works.
guess who gets to spend tomorrow pilin' it up?
man's work, mutha-'uckas.
i doo-doo that sweaty toil-type sh!t.
that new sexy wood hut we've got hangin' out
is about to get packed full of this year's goodness.
that's right, kids.
stayin' roasty toasty in the woodsly realm.
the Fortress is stocked,
and the logs are getting stacked,
and the whole dang thing is really happening.
elsah's berfday?
green elephant?
deliciousness, in massive overdoses.
were there any wrapping-papered treats?
what are we?
of course we packed a party bag full of dopeness.
you should know about our competent compliments.
we've had a rad day,
a rad night,
and a rad friend in elsah.
we're grateful for the time we've been given,
and especially grateful for the worth-a-damn
duders and ninjas we span it with.
believe it, b!tches;
never quiet, never soft.....

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