Wednesday, September 28

the good life.

double or nothing?
how about double-nothing!
that's how i spanned the chasms of non-work.
days off mean days off.
all the way off, duders.
a dead zone,
nullified progress,
and only a whole helluva lot of words read
and their impact on my nerdbrains to show for it.
and i'm pretty much certain that that's invisible,
more like nothing to show, except the fingerprints
and dog-ears on the pages and pages and pages
overturned and devoured over the course of days and nights.
for real, neighbors.
i got caught up in some word-eater digestion jauns.
and that's a seriously hard style when fall times are a-callin'.
...but i just can't resist a good book.
i've got another 'nother stack of stories to eat.
and when it's time to get activated,
worthy warriors of the written word get activated.
and so before i recognized my mid-morning
it was already late afternoon,
and i'd hard-pounded my way through
two and a half books,
and neglected an overcast day of doings.
it's been a little minute since my last dedicated reading day.
i got snared pretty flippin' hard i guess.
it's these dang omnibus editions, y'all.
all the stories, at once, in one place, in a row.
glen cook writes a holy sh!t-ton-load of books.
and they're pretty mutha-b!tchin' expert.
i'm wading through a fat stack of collected works,
and there're more coming out within the month.
another omnibus!
make-pretend stories,
swallowed whole like a shark-glutton,
by a true-story telling real-life documentarian.
you aren't always what you eat, i guess;
never quiet, never soft.....

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