Sunday, September 18

terriers hate rodents.

that's real.
olive the dog brought the lightning-striking
adder-quick chompa-chomp horror to our
early-release outside walk a minute ago.
viking thunder?
as fast as real life,
our precious little juggernaut of active participation
did what she was bred to do-
savage stormswept fury dispensation.
right before my face!!!!
the little squeakers of the wilds can't try to
go toe-to-toe with a really real battle-beast.
i'd almost be impressed if i wasn't so disgusted.
in an unannounced contest of nature vs. infinity,
the woodsly goodness loses to hellacious jaws of death:
awwwwwwwww, man.
skull-crushin' canine berserker fury.
you'd think his little eyes were bulging with surprise,
but they're actually exploding out of their sockets.
butt-nasty like you read about.
bite, snap, drop, in under two seconds.
olive hard-style pounded it's sad little acorn-collecting head,
and then just dropped like it was hot, son.
don't worry, neighbors,
there's more disgusting natural victory unfolding up here....
our other other decomposing rodent is also
looking pretty flippin' gnarly this afternoon:
beetles boring into your brains and butthole?
that's some gruesome sh!t, kids.
what can i say?
nature wins.
every single time.
early dismissal from work seemed like a treat,
until i got home to the Fortress,
and watched the ghost rings of the life cycle
swirl, overlap, and dissipate.
it's all really happening.
brutality, my ninjas;
never quiet, never soft.....

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