Thursday, September 22

the last day of summer.....

...and it's cold, dark, rainy, and busted.
dismal murk and drizzling drafts, duders.
that'd be fine if i were in denmark.
i mean,
atmospheric acrimonious odious polonius-ness
makes it acceptable for something to be rotten there.
but the woodsly goodness is supposed to stay fresh.
clear, clean mountain air,
transitioning into autumny crispness,
with woodsmoke and leaves and apple accents an' that.
the sun is not making an appearance,
and the cloudcover barely clears the treeline.
it smells like wet dirt and mulch.
not hardly.
maybe it's ma nature crying over it being all over.
another 'nother summer season,
eclipsed and equinoxed and rotated away.
if it means that the P.F.D. quotient will be higher,
then the rain is more than welcome to let summer retire
like a reigning world-heavyweight-belt-wearing wrestler.
you never leave on top,
and you never ever leave with the title.
so summertime's out with a fizzle and a whimper,
and it's time for a bang-up banner-year fall season.
and falafel.
we're just 10 short days away from the fryeburg fair.
how can we bide our time until then?
wellll, on sunday,
we leave work early and head downstate to watch and listen
to the avett brothers getting rad, live and in person.
and then on monday,
dark dark dark brings some sadness, snaps, and claps
downeast to portland, maine;
and for all y'all waterbabies living below
the 'real' new england states-
on tuesday, they'll be in hamden, connecticut.
which implies that unless you're an epic A*-hole,
you'll be there to give audience.
all the expertism happens in the autumn.
tomorrow is the start of something dope.
today is the end of something else.
it's happening.
and fast.
it'll all be over before we realize it,
and we'll be knee-deep in that new hottness
before breaking fast with Tea 'N' Toast.
this is it;
never quiet, never soft.....

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