Thursday, January 5

bull terriers.

y'all probably didn't know about this-
bull terriers.
sausage headed hamhock meat-monsters.
armadillo sharkdogs.
burly babe in the city, spuds mckenzie canines.
i tattbombed a duder today who brought
his four-legged bestie with him,
and got a non-specific representation of his last four
pet-caliber canine companions,
who all happened to be,
bull terriers.
they're so dope.
mostly because they have piggish ears
and torpedo thunderhead pistons for jaws.
word up.
my resolution seems to be applicable to
more than just my dog, i guess.
but it could also be the brutal winds buffeting
my heretofore more-than-a-little-aloof nature
regarding any and all animals in my kingdom.
that's erosion,
and an unhealthy dose of wind chillout
cooling off my hot-headed hard-hearted
anti-fauna oppositional situation.
or is it?
well, if it gets warmer,
and i get sh!ttier all over again,
then i suppose we'll have our answer
right alongside this wind blowing my way.
we're five days into it, neighbors.
how's it going?
the weather is miserable,
but the really real reality of
this year has only just begun to uplift spirits
and activate memories here in the hallowed
hollows of the woodsly goodness.
a chappy crappy crap-slapping capricorn
cause-and-effect session is in full effect,
and winters grey gaytardation
is doing exactly what it does best.
the brunt of it's blunt force barbarism
is being felt,
and appreciated, professionally,
by the worthiest of wintertime's
warrior poets.
it's What Is,
and it's here in heroic quantities and calibers.
the fire is hot,
the iron is cast,
the whole thing is happening;
never quiet, never soft..... 

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