Tuesday, January 3


it's so flippin' cold
my hands are shaking like seismographs
during a massive tectonic incursion.
sh-sh-sh-shivering and sh!t...
...and that's indoors.
no good.
despite the frightful absence of most literal hotness,
i found time to  get expert on some hottness,
as in a hiff and a puff  for a while
on an especially burly,
intensely delicious-ish stinky stogie.
frostbiting on my ears,
acrid acidic smoke on my tongue,
and my dirty little dog to keep me company.
for real.
did i mention my other other resolution?
yeah, neighbors.
i'm going to show a little more affection to
my barbarian battle-beast.
she doesn't listen worth F*-all,
she pushes her luck with our affections,
she consistently overreacts to new situations,
she rips tremendous, thunderous farts at regular intervals,
and displays outward hostility towards most living things.
who else does that sound like?
i'm sayin'.
hating her is like hating myself.
and that's an alien concept.
so as part of the self-imporovement program i'm activating,
it's kindness to dumb animals and appreciation
for their company.
after all,
she actually likes hanging out.
there's a lot to be said for that these days.
word up.
three days into it, my ninjas.
there's been a pretty intense push
towards reinstating some old action.
from the olden times or something.
2011 kicked my A* right off my body,
but i rediscovered my strengths,
disregarded and discarded the frailty of yesteryear,
and there's been a whole lot of going to eleven
already in 2012,
after less than 72 hours, even.
the original albie rock is here,
ugly, broke, broken, and dope,
and from now on,
it's ALL really happening.
now get yourselves into the spirit,
or get the F* out of the woodsly goodness, y'all.
viking fury is here,
and flipping the heck out is all i'm concerned with;
never quiet, never soft.....

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