Tuesday, January 17

iced over and slipping away.

oh, man!
it got a baby bit warmer outside.
just warm enough to activate an ice storm an' sh!t.
it's that early evening shimmery sheen type jauns,
with underfoot crust busting apart with every step
and tiny little nuggets of frozen fury pelting the pittery-pat
rat-a-tat-too on the rooftops and treetops
of the woodsly goodness.
it's a terrible tuesday up here.
a brutal blend of crap weather
and no motivation towards integrating and activating.
they're stuffs happening.
it all really is, almost always, albeit barely-
like what?
how about smoking pipes?
yeah. that's right.
fumigating the forests
and nauseating my dog
and repelling my wifey.
(to be fair, it's only partly the pipe's fault, really)
what washes down the dirty doo-doo buttery
residue off of a dottle of dublin's finest university flake?
o.j. and cranberry ginger ale and raspberry juice
with a wedge of lime!
that's liquid sherbet soda bombs for my face, neighbors.
non-alcoholic fluid expertism from the future-
and believe me, they help.
but how can we soak up some of that
deliciously insidious acid attacking on my intestines?
don't even begin to think it's not with
peanut butter rock blocks!
and am i putting this day down for the count with
a couple healthy heaping hand's worth of candy beans?
you bet your b!tch-A* i am.
wait, what?
F* you.
...don't judge me.
today is dedicated to poor dietary choices
and empty calories inundating my insides.
in that respect,
i rate this day a full-blown success.
word up.
boobs and murder and vengeance and tattbombs?
we also went and saw the girl with the dragon tattoo.
and it was dope.
for a long A* movie,
it sure went by fast.
and the nasty little bum-out denouement?
that's almost as busted as really real life.
oh, stop.
shove your spoilers where the weak sauce flows like wine.
do i have a bellyache?
yes i do.
do i blame it on the pre-movie supermarket sushi?
yes i do.
gutwrenching and butthole clenching
and pants drenching, my ninjas.
icebound and underway,
it's all on the schedule for a slippery night
of hazards and power outages in the
rural reality of Folk Life frontiersmanship;
never quiet, never soft.....

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