Friday, January 13


misfortune follows misdeeds,
and misdeeds follow misfortune.
it's friday the thirteenth,
and 13 may be an unlucky number-
i'm not saying it is,
i'm just not saying it isn't.
bad luck abounds in the creases and the crannies
of the woodsly goodness today.
that's real.
all along the iced-over snow-hazardous roadways,
motorists are finding out firsthand.
just sayin', my ninjas,
there are a bunch of out-of-towners rolling north,
trying to get here and get on the slopes
like a big bunch of crackery ski-lodge avalanchess,
and their cars are getting F*ed up all over these mountains.
awwwww, man.
the thirteenth.
right out of the box, month one, new year.
that's a hard style for the calendar, kids.
a black cat and broken mirror, under-ladder-treading,
indoor umbrella opening, crack-steppin' calamity, even.
y'all had better huck that pinch of salt
and knock on that wood an' that.
put your best eforts into warding away
the abominable snowstorm sh!t, y'heard?
oh, yeah,
we're getting more of what's due us today, y'all.
wintry mixing and slick, icy, life-spicing weather.
i guess nature has decided to participate in winter after all.
and nature wins, kids.
i'm making my own luck.
i've got my fortunate foot, after all.
then again,
i've got nothing going on at job today.
alas, you minky mutha-uckers,
there's just no predicting the fickle fingers of fortune.
if they were temeritous toes of temptation, maybe.
it's not what you've got,
it's what you make of it.
we've got to play the hand we're dealt,
even when it's a foot.
oh, c'mon.
don't get me wrong, neighbors-
it's not reacting i believe in,
it's overreacting.
every anthill is akin to the alps,
every inconvenience is a cataclysm,
and every day is the best and worst one ever.
word up.
friday the thirteenth?
unluckiest day ever.
stubbed toe?
got fired?
overdrawn account.
totally figures.
friday the thirteenth?
best horrible road conditions ever.
most expert pitiful plow-guy
snow-clearing poor performance yet.
friday the thirteenth?
most victorious day of triumph over misfortune in history.
friday the thirteenth?
it's the big day, just like every day,
and it's all really happening.
fortune still favors the bold, duders.
remember that.
we're all already creeping up on the ides.
time keeps slipping into the future,
but i think we remain equidistant
from right now, regardless.
looking backwards to what's next,
and reminiscing about what's to come.
nostalgia for tomorrow, folks;
never quiet, never soft.....

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