point b.
four years apart-
hop, skip, jump, and we're already here again-
leap to leap,
anomaly to anomaly,
and now a hominy of homilies about hot fire and hard styles-
all of that,
on the twenty-ninth,
a.k.a. LEAP DAY,
all slightly overlapping,
so that we may resume our travels,
abridged across the previous patch of rough and coarse course-plotting,
complete with overthrowing;
and of course,
the necessary roughness of tempering a temper-tantrum temperament,
across the patchwork plots of temperature and temerity.
oh, yeah.
it's mutha-'ucking LEAP DAY,
and i'm pretty sure that means all crime is legal today?!
is that how that works?
i might have it confused with purge rules,
but i always get them mixed up.
i hope it IS a battle-beast free-for all day, though-
because i've got a laundry list of larcenous, licentious, lewd, loud, lascivious,
and lecherous largess to squeeze into this way-weirder-than-groundhog-style
full-force elusive fourth-year february event.
you KNOW i gotta make treats for the special times.
that's right.
and today is no exception to the rules,
except that it IS exceptionally expert.
(oh, c'mon)
and especial expertism calls for a little extra hottness from the oven.
allow me to show you what's really getting activated
in the woodsly goodsly lovers' leaps and boundlesssness....

hand pies for your eyes!!
sweetened-up flaky pastry crust,
with blops of frozen butterishness,
and creamchee', and ice water, and a pinch of vanilla.
i wanted all the flavor, and texture, and since i was up molto early,
as is usually the case,
i did all the things one does to pie dough:
chilled it, folded it, rolled it, rechilled it, etc. etc. etc.-
and while all of that was happening,
my wild maine blueberrries,
and SO much lemony citrus sexxxiness
got together with some sugar,
and stewed themselves into an orgiastic fantasy of tasty goodness.
so i cut 'em out,
and filled 'em up,
and i pinched 'em together with some forky presses,
and i finger-painted them with real maple syrup in order to stick all the
raw sugar sprankles to the tops!
i'm saying goodbye to february,
and hello to a free day to do and say whatever i want.
oh, wait.
that's actually already every day,
so i s'pose i should try arson, or assassination, for a change?
and by that i mean the literal versions,
not my usual hot fire spit and character demolition.
today is the day,
and it's GOT to be good.
i'll not allow for anything less.
there will be fire, lightning, thunder, smoke,
and maybe even some pizza.....
anything can happen,
because today is extra credit,
and i'm fixin' to get a more than perfect score.
i'm grateful for the restoration of my forward motion,
i'm lucky to have replenished the stores,
and further stored away a surplus to the initial requirements.
too much is the right amount, neighbors,
and today is the embodiment of that sentiment,
and i aim to do it justice;
never quiet, never soft.....