Saturday, February 20


apples, neighbors.
for my face.
to keep away the doctors and stuff like that.
it's all about apples.
and i want to tell y'all all about it.
for serious,
when there's treats a-poppin',
and they need to be the body-rockin' big action,
apples are a pretty definite YES as far as ingredient go.
with cinnamon, and nutmeg, and allspice, and ginger,
and a tiny hint of clove,
plus maple syrup, lemon juice, vanilla, and a bit of brown sugar?
that's the right way to make apples into experts.
i peeled, cored, chopped and cooked those fruits into submission,
and i rebuilt them into something better using those spices.
i used six of the biggest reddest apples at the grocer,
a gang of cortland giants,
and i will say this-
i prefer baking with crawnchy white-flesh apples.
i do.
i think the only actual reason is that i'm gonna sneak a slice or two for myself,
in advance of the cooking and baking process,
and those crisp snappy chaps are the ones i wanna sink my teeth into.
there's no other obvious benefit to those jauns over the yellowy ones.
besides the fact that jaundice is gross,
and i make broad associations between unrelated circumstances.
check the apples-to-apples-type teleport:

oh, apple scruffs, how i love you!
cinnamon coconut oatmeal slumps on the bottom,
firmly buttered up and very rich and extremely knobbly,
and those apples dumped down in between the oaty lumps,
so the juices flow freely throughout the crags and crannies of the crumb.
oh, MAN!
that's be good by itself, if that was the way i did things-
the thing of it is,
i knew i needed MORE.
i always need more,
and then, after that,
maybe just a little bit MORE.
so i made a cinnamony better wetter batter,
and poured it over the top, like sexy cement to seal that sucker up.
that locked in all the apple hottness,
and with sliced apples on top,
and cinnamon sugar sprankles,
what i created is a little something called THE TRUTH.
i'm about those apples,
and i'm psyched on double cakey stacks,
you wanna know what i'm really into?
taking it to eleven.
so a la mode it is,
with cinnamon icing drizzles to really blast my 'buds with decadent dopeness.
i didn't measure a damned thing.
i felt like free-forming a flowing organic experience,
and i'm glad i did.
i'm willing to bet you could recreate it with a little planning.
i mean,
i know what i used, and i can estimate how much of each thing is in there,
maybe, just maybe,
you've got some intuitive treat-making tendencies,
and you want to hone them into sharp focus?
that's the stuff!
it's easier than you'd think, even if you're not a natural culinary wizard.
i mean it-
you know how to make pancakes?
make that batter, but butterier, and thicker,
and that's that topping,
you ever make granola?
word up, you hippie.
that's basically the bottom,
and in between,
you've got apples.
if you can't figure out how to activate THAT hottness,
you're quite likely a big jerk.
sorry, folks, but that's a thing.
they're already dope on their own,
you just have to dress 'em up a little fancy.
there's hope for you yet;
never quiet, never soft.....

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