Sunday, February 8


50 degrees??
above zero?!!
i guess the whistlepig isn't that accurate after all.....
seriously, though,
these thawing out times eat it so hard.
windshield salty sandy beige skids.
road glare.
soggy pant bottoms.....
not dope. at all.
i'll take the tundra any time, my ninjas.
and, it's extra flippin' windy outside, too.
it had better be because of some epic changes a-blowin' on through.

i did eight tattoos today.
in a row.
without no breaks before, during, or after.
i forget what that's like sometimes.
and when i remember,
i also remember why i forget.
it isn't that much fun, ya'll.
in fact,
it's the opposite of fun.
as a note on subject matter:
i did 4 different nautical stars,
on folks who didn't know each other.
and a boston red sox B,
and a baby name, too...
so don't worry,
i held it down, mutha-uckas.
the final tally and totals for my saturday/sunday workweek?
well, let's see;
i did thirty stars,
three shamrocks,
and even two butterflies.
so if you don't mind,
i'm gonna go cry bloody tears into my pillow,
icy/hot my crippled, crushed, cramped digits,
and listen to 'the cure'.
tatblastin' your tax return away,
never quiet, never soft.....

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