Saturday, January 23


i wore my ass-paragus printed, souvenier
japanese wrapping paper/headband/mop today:

it's called a tenugui.
it's the all-purpose magic shop rag treat!
and that's a photo of my actual buttcheek pocket,
stuffed full of cottony spears of hottness.
you like that i call it the ass-paragus.
i do too.
where does someone get one of those?
my very good friend shawn hebrank went to japan.
and he got us some treats.
i'm lucky to have people who think of me
when they are somewhere else,
doing something better than i am,
in a place i would almost certainly ruin if i was also there.
gratitude and generosity, again and again.
more circles, bigger, better, and rounder.
speaking of grateful days and nights-
i'd better give out some praises to my number one collaborator:
thanks, secret universal plan!
these days,
i'm not just a home improver,
a warrior poet documentary life liver,
or a vegan, tea-sipping bookworm;
i'm also a furious raging ball of tattoo fury.
and that's no small feat, ya'll.
i'm more of a wish-i-weren't-here kind of worker.
but not anymore,
or at least,
not right now, anyway;
i've been blasting some of the awesomest clients lately.
they come back and finish their sh!t,
they sit still,
they hang out,
they tip big.
all the best parts, kids.
it's true.
i appreciate the folks who know what's up.
so this is a shoutout to all the kick-ass peoples gettin' zapped.
without them,
my soon-to-be-delivered hand-hammered sexy copper vessel sink
would NOT have gotten ordered.
and we can't have that, duders.
it's a saturday night, here in the woodsly goodness;
the temperature is low,
the humidity is lower,
and the home-made seitan steaks are sizzling.
this is some kind of a life, my ninjas.
a real one.
creative non-fiction, as i've heard it called.
and when i'm scarfing down my seitanic scrumptiousness,
i'll have a side order of asparagus scarf, too.
(it's also a napkin!)
all day long my pee smelled funny,
and i think i just figured out why;
never quiet, never soft.....

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