Saturday, April 10


it's snowing.
no joke.
not a storm, really.
certainly not a blizzard.
but still,
there are flakes falling out of the sky.
and this after our precursory summer preview-
maybe the clouds were sunburnt,
by all the shiny bright secret summeryness;
and now, after all the ray-soaked saturation,
the peel is in full effect.
the weather, the image, all of it.
it's gross.
of course,
it could be frozen tears, just as easily.
whih is not as 'sgusting, but just as sad.
yesterday was shawn's berfday.
he's 29 now.
add it up, kids:
2 + 9 = eleven.
that's pretty good news, yeah?
he's still only in his late twenties...
that's F*ed up, duders.
i mean,
i've known him and his big, fat mouth for a hot decade.
which means he was just a little kid when we met.
now he's almost thirty.
i thought so, too.
i didn't call with cheerful well-wishes.
not that i don't have 'em, or anything.
it's just that i'm not a very good friend, really.
i even felt bad about the lapse until i heard about
how he worked late and didn't eat cake.
i am confused by that sort of thing.
but, also i feel relieved...
cake and candles and not workin' are part of the regulations.
i'm just sayin',
if you don't hold to the code,
then i'm off the hook.
happy belated berfday, shawn.
i'll be seeing you soon.
the scampering scritchers in the yard
are multipying.
jess puts out seeds and treats every day,
and every day,
more and more little wodland creatures
show up to munch up on those goodies.
it's a regular wildlife preserve over here.
for serious time, though.
small mammals and winged scoochers
spend most of the morning entertaining us.
most of 'em lok twice their normal size,
but it's mostly the puffled ruffles of fluffed-out
fur and feathers.
flurries aren't warm, kids,
and these little muthab!tchers don't get down like that.
so it's floofy little getters today,
and frosty skies tonight.
hard styles in the woodsly goodness, for sure.
why does the hottness have to get so cold?
never quiet, never soft.....

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