Sunday, April 25

the road.

try and name three things i got yesterday.
not arrested, crabs, and banjo strings-
waaaay better than that;
try these on for size:
a trophy,
a case of potato chips,
and a gift certificate to one of my favorite restaurants.
...not to mention some obligatory stacks of extraneous loot, too.
word up.
that's how the worthy warrior poet's society does it.
...with treats.
and all in all,
those are some pretty good treats, too.
what can i tell you?
my clients are ON it, y'all.
everybody wins when it's tatzappin' time up here;
and we've got a reciprocal cycle of
gratitude and generosity goin' on.
that's good stuff.
it's viking science, and barbarian artwork all dang day long-
my regular duders know how to hang out, it would seem,
and it makes me try even harder.
(now you ninjas know the secret to a great tattoo relationship)
harvest and maple and i are headed back to the nutmeg mire.
vacation is most certainly over.
driving all morning?
great news.
hospital visitation all afternoon?
even better.
pizza and falafels?
there'd better be some bright spot on the horizon.
because when that horizon gets bright tomorrow morning,
i'm back on the asphalt trails.
connecticut, my ninjas.
it unquestionably goes to eleven,
but that's on the lameness scale.
by the time that you read this, we'll be gone;
another 'nother day,
and night,
away from the woodsly goodsly wifely hottness.
me and the little lady had better get at least a snippet
of quality time before i barrel into the formerly friendly-
currently semi-standoffish skies.
there seems to be an imbalance,
too many hard styles,
not enough pounding.
ah well,
there's always monday, yeah?
i'm always missing the ladies in my life, duders.
one side or the other,
one way or another.
no good byes,
only fare wells;
never quiet, never soft.....

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