Wednesday, May 5


hooray for victory against the spanish oppressors!
more accurately,
hooray for remembering the first victory
against the spanish oppressors.
of course,
we're pretty flippin' far away from where that happened,
and almost as far away from when that happened.
so what do a bunch of non-drinkin' white folks do to celebrate?
i mean, in the absence of cervezas?
there will be blops;
believe it.
cinco de mayo in minneapolis means vegan brown burrito bombs.
pantloads of chiles, buttmountains of refrieds, sh!t-tons of salsa...
it also happens to be my last night in town,
which means a last hurrah feeding frenzy,
and copious consumption of dirty diaperloads
of doo-doo deliciousness.
so much good stuff has happened here in the last nine or so days.
it's been a blast.
all good things, duders.
all the time.
before the diarrhea festival of mudshark gluttony begins,
i may even get a little tatzapblastin' action on my ankle bones.
it's true,
the distinct possibility of mr. hebrank rockin' out is in effect.
we'll see how it goes.
(a week of grotesque gorging has taken it's toll, for sure,
and my healthy vegan mutant healing factor has been taxed to the limit)
providing everything goes as planned,
then it'll still be a last ditch flip-out scramble
just to get even half as much done as we'd like.
that's how you know we are doing it right:
no spaces in between the hottness.
that's non-stop hottness, with prolonged periods of ingestion,
and insomnia...
i'm ready to go home,
but i'm sure glad i came;
never quiet, never soft.....

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