salt and pepper.
sodium chloride and piper nigrum.
that's how the flavor gets activated.
salt and pepper.

and sesame power dots, too.
sesame seed magic nubs are pretty delicious.
and they go good with sesame oil.
i even used the double blendie mix, kids.
sesame oil and toasted sesame oil.
that's that double-dope business.
add in the seeds and it's a triple threat to all unsuspecting tastebuds.
asparagus and collard greens, too.
that's vitamin vegetative nutrition wizardry.
family dinner is important.
mandatory attendance-type sh!t.
and after an early night,
and a good sleep,
what happens tweve hours later?

perfectly prepared by p-paulie-paul-nice!
that's family breakfast.
(also with mandatory attendance)
with real distilled tree sap sauce,
artificial butter,
and irish breakfast tea.
that's how we doo-doo them treats-
sunday mornings, mutha-b!tches.
we go easy.
it happens.
all of it.
my hands have dentures.
they're flippin' old man hands;
nosferatu feelers;
ancient spider crab legs;
root/bark/branch spindlers:
arthritis-ridden apendages, y'all.
that's not so good news, yeah?
hard work = hard styles = hard times.
it's like that.
it IS that.
what's the alternative?
weak sauce?
lame cake?
even with battle-damaged digits,
i've got a death grip on real life.
hold on, hold on, hold on.
tattoo machines,
steering wheels,
shovel handles,
i'm holding on.
never quiet, never soft.....
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