Monday, May 17

inescapable nature.

chipmunks are A*holes.
for real.
there are four or five of these little jerks outside
eating millet and corn and sh!t at any given time
all day every day, even in the rain.
there's about a pound and a half of seeds and treats
all over the place
in various specific sheltered and open spaces
all across our yard.
so there's plenty to go around, i mean.
and in enough different spots,
to a degree where the little rodents could each
have their own personal stash.
nature doesn't give a flying F* about cooperation
or compromise, though...
in every direction,
for miles and miles around us, here in the woodsly goodness,
we're surrounded by nature.
i'm in a fresh fortress of Folk Life,
but in an enclosed valley of vicious vivaciousness.
i can't readily get away from that external nature
any more than i can get away from the even-more-pervasive
inner nature.
just like these hairy little F*tards-
they could be gettin' on rather well with each other,
and stockpiling their resources together;
they bite each other's heads and tails,
and slash, scratch, claw and bite their whole lives right off.
usually over the suckiest cache of corn kernels, too.
A*holes, like i said.
i understand their primitive little walnut brains can't
form complex strategies for cohabitative community,
and that eating, fighting, and hard-style pounding
are about all that occurs to them to do with themselves,
but c'mon...
thirteen feet to the left,
there's a completely uncontested pile of sunflower seeds!
stupid little idiots, y'all.
slaves to their infinite natures.
i get it, for sure,
but i'm still not happy about it.
i mean,
most duders are not much different, really,
minus the tails.
i'm just waiting for the right combination of fox/goshawk/owl
to even up the score a bit.
nature wins, kids.
inescapable, infinite, inner and outer.
the trick, i think,
is to eat, fight, and hard-style pound it up,
harder, and louder, than ever....
at least,
it might not win by shutout.
a 11th-round decision is as close to a tie as we can hope for.
it's monday already.
a new weekend looms on the horizon.
i've got a date for some attention on my inner thigh on wednesday,
with a side order of green elephant shark-gluttony thrown in.
basking shark-style.
that's how we're on the big action.
not only are we no longer chewing anything,
we're not even closing our mouths while we swallow.
bask in that, ninjas.
floor treatments,
and phuc.
it's all on the schedule,
it's all really happening;
never quiet, never soft.....

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