Wednesday, May 19

done, done, and done.

tuesday, y'all.
that was some day.
check out that happy little acorn.
thanks in part to the scroungy old squirrels,
he almost had a victorious rooting down.
except, squirrels couldn't care less about plans.
-sorry, baby oak tree.
but when you want to sprout out loud in the middle of the garden,
your funky trunk gets weeded.
plucked right out of the daylillies, kids.
that's how we get busy in the gardens.
the same gardens that are growing pumpkins!
all the leftover wedding-time gourds that melted into piles
of brownish orange 'sgustingness?
they made tiny body-fertilizer sacrifices,
and now we've got a couple of different infant winter squash plants.
landscaping and hard gardening.
we got that.
mulching with hemlock bark,
as a sympathetic synthesizer.
that's the majority rule tree in the yard,
so we matched it up all nicey-nice.
we planted flowers and ferns,
and created a floral future fresh before our own faces.
a little wort flower poppin' out of a tree stump.
that's pretty cool.
all naturey and growing an' that.
but y'know what makes it even cooler?
...the overachievin' leafy mutha-licker is 7 feet up!
seven feet, duders.
i said it.
that's how flippin' huge that tree is.
that's some woodsly goodness.
there're all kinds of secret dopenesses poppin' up.
it's our first late spring in the fortress,
and everything here is that much more excellent
for being the first time.
new hottness.
that's the best kind of hottness.
but you can't have the sweet without the bitter, yeah?
if you've got new hottness,
you also need a baseline of old bustedness:
and here i thought the chipmunks weren't very cool.
how about a broad-daylight rocky-boy?
this duder is so old as to be nearly blind.
he didn't care that he's supposed to be nocturnal.
he didn't care that his mangy fur was greasy,
and covered in mosquitoes.
and i guess he's not too worried about a gypsy throat-bite, either.
if it weren't for the concerns about rabies,
i may have even given the dog free reign...
i mean,
if a raccoon wants to die a warrior's death,
who am i to deny 'im a trip to valhalla?
he may reconsider halfway there,
and vet bills aren't cheap, ninjas.
that's all i'm sayin'.
like i said, it was some day.
i also slopped on a slew of slidey sauce in the bathroom.
that mutha-ucking floor is sealed, suckas;
...and steve rovetti came by,
photographed jess' artworks,
and blazed up a stump on the sundeck;
...and we went out for dinner;
...and we stayed out all forkin' night,
whilst the wifey chalked up a board,
and i chalked up some boredom,
the new menu boards over there are doooooooope, duders.
and now today,
i get all zip-zapped up, again,
and there's talk of the cucch ending his isolation from us, too.
it could be another 'nother day of dopeness.
it's all really happening and everything;
never quiet, never soft.....

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