Sunday, January 2


here's to the new year.
...just like every year,
but never ever just quite the same, though, huh?
i've been busy so far in this 11th one.
it's been going to eleven, on every level, even.
there's not a spare minute mushed in there anywhere.
and that's okay, i guess.
lots of zippity zappin' already, my ninjas.
and boy are my hands feeling the hours and hours
of drilled-up chiseling and stretching.
it's only the second day, and already i can tell that my overall attitude
is really real and representative of a ragnarokin' readiness;
for action,
for move makin',
for sweet sweet lovely lovin',
and for all that Folk Life on the elevens has to offer.
what can i doo-doo to kick it up another 'nother notch?
it's resolution time, kiddos.
the most brutal let-down-by valentine's trial by fire for most duders, right?
will i do any better?
my resolution?
to overcome the crushing discomfort of physical closeness.
i'm not a toucher, neighbors.
not a nudge, or a chove, or a gentle ribbing.
barely ever a hug unless you're one of my peoples,
and no incidental contact with anybody else if i can help it.
i'll hand out a high-style five slap,
if only to acknowledge that i should do SOMEthing...
because that's the least amount of contact,
with as much force
and as short a duration of impact as possible.
real talk.
i can't hang out with shoulder rubs, duders.
i wince, cringe, and tense up more than if i'd just tried
to process and digest stress all by my lonesome.
i know, i know...
it'll be worse for all of y'all.
i wouldn't want a hug from me, either.
but it's being done in the name of evolution.
to take the content of my character to it's highest potential apex.
a pinnacle of approachability,
and humanity,
where before the may have been an appreciable absence.
i may be choosing the path of greatest resistance,
but the wrench has always been the best tool i own.
it's a conflict resolution wherein the resolve to conflict
is the whole point.
immersion in contact, by contract,
with the people who surround me.
you've been warned, neighbors;
never quiet, never soft.....

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