Saturday, January 15

saturday sizzler.

minus 6 degrees.
that's less than none,
and more sucky than most.
add in some snow,
some tourists,
and a mob scene of miscommunication,
and you've got today.
i've got business cards, now, kids.
and t-shirts.
and the super-sweet sensation of fabrication...
loud, fresh, hardness, y'all.
as in, molto magnificent machine guns.
after the SHOT show in las vegas this week,
the ZERO site'll be all-the-way-live,
and you minky, mincey marketplace masters
can add that sh!t to your cart.
buy! do it! soon! mass quantities, too, ninjas.
casey is over for supper,
and bogwater boiled brown blops
are being basted by the bucketful.
cabbage and 'taters and turnips and carrots and sweet 'taters,
and horseradish, dijon, and a smidge of smokey hottness.
disjointed doo-doo butter,
and dreary, dearly bought drudgery.
it's all really happening.
maybe an easy sunday morning will make up for it,
and maybe not;
never quiet, never soft.....

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