Thursday, January 13

thunder and lightning.

ZERO Heavy Industries is in F*ing full effect.
as in:
i just got admin access to the blog, store, and site.
that makes it a real thing, huh?
i've even got my own title and card an' that.
i wouldn't have guessed i'd have business cards for
zombie survival training systems and gear,
and NOT have 'em for tattooing.
i guess that shows where my priorities are, after all.
conceptual engineering, kids.
that's what i do.
that means my main job is to think of fresh ideas.
i was doing that anyway.
hard style hardware and heavy duty industrial ideas.
and zombies.
they're not just face-biting undead flesh-crunchers!
look around you, duders-
look in the back of that minivan on the road,
and check out the six televison screens in there.
you can't occupy your brain with anything else?
zombie-like tranced-out mindlessness.
just sayin'.
zombies are real,
and it may just be buffalo wings, beers, and sports,
but their insatiable appetites are just as menacing.
i'm ready.
are y'all?
time moves pretty quickly these days.
maybe the grains are smaller in the secret universal hourglass,
or somethin'.
it's dark out.
it's cold out.
still, again, and always.
never quiet, never soft.....

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