Saturday, January 18

weather- whether or not.

more snow.
that's a situationally site-specific hazard
that comes with altitude and longitude and all that sort
of regionally dependent location stuff.
the white mountains are cold, neighbors.
a whole lot of the time.
and the woodsly goodness is nestled in the cradle of
a couple of northeastern new englandy peaks.
it's like a little divot that collects weather.
and that's exactly what's happening.
more snow.
the thing of it is, kids-
half the time it's been brutally barbarically histrionically frigid,
and the other half has been rain turned to sleet turned to ice,
and the critical cataclysm of that combination,
all cryogenics and condensation,
has made the northern forest valley into a frosted-over F*-hole.
and now there's more coming.
i kinda like complaining about the weather.
i don't hate the extremes of up-hereness enough
to relocate to somewhere weaker in the sauce department,
but more pleasant in climate or whatever.
i mean,
that's what waterbabyish nancies do,
and we already know they're not invited.
so, instead,
i'm griping, and groaning, and stacking logs, y'all.
wood is what's up these days.
stacks on stacks on stacks on stacks of it.
i'm just not trying to be cold still,
when i get all up inside the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress,
and that means i'm tending the glaring gaol of glowing coals
in the hot hard heart of my cast iron firebox.
and that's no joke.
i've got it turned up to eleven so hard
in that freestanding fireplace furnace...
it's working out,
garbage canning!
that's what it's called when you mix up all the stuff
you've left around in your refrigerator into one thing...
for example-
i had some beige protein bits,
and some sprouts,
and weird celery,
and a half a red pepper,
a small strange pinkish onion,
and a whole bunch of leftover cilantro and yellow curry sauce,
and a whole huge double-thick blop of bread dough.....
i had to put it all together.
i just had to.
and that's why this happened:
that's like two pounds of sandwich.
i stuffed every last morsel right into my face.
the double thick bread was kinda expert though.
i may need to start doing more of that.
more is usually better,
even when it's rotten weather.
rules are a hard style to follow.
that's just What Is;
never quiet, never soft.....

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