Thursday, February 13

even more.

i'm keeping busy.
wood needs stacking nearly nonstop,
and the cold weather has me shaking in my shoes,
not from fear, but from shivers of bone-weary life-sapping
fuel-exhausting angry and infuriating,
perpetually low temperatures.
and also,
i'm investing my time into stimulating both my obsessive nature,
and my need for micro-activated nerdy dragon-world customization.
swords, neighbors,
just because they're IN there,
and i've gotta expurgate that section of my crazy brain,
one blade at a time.
oh, don't worry your little heads, kids-
i've been giving them names and powers and sh!t.
i doo-doo that ultimate werewolf moon-laced business,
and i let it take me down some weird nerd-A* roads.
that's where i'm headed,
that's what's up,
that's the way it is right now;
never quiet, never soft.....

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