Saturday, February 22

nature wins.

i think i may have been born a real idiot.
i mean it.
in my DNA code,
there's an override script that can't be flipped.
for realsies-
i've been a billion different people so far,
and not because of any sort of reincarnation...
it's more like a doctor who regeneration,
or a lobster, or jellyfish, even....
i shed an old skin,
and start fresh with all the information from before,
inside an even older, more busted body.
it's been really happening for a really long time, neighbors.
no jokes.
sixteen years ago,
this happened:

and six months on either side of that big-toothed horse-faced mess,
these happened, too:
expert recognize expert, for sure,
and those are official identification documents,
so everybody can appreciate the expertism...
the thing is,
those guys barely look related,
and the other thing of it is,
they barely are.
i guess what i'm sayin' is-
i stay ugly, i stay dope,
and i remain a F*ing sh!t-hot clownshoe mess regardless.
the more things change,
the more they don't, kids.
the winds are blowing,
the ice is damming,
the whole of the woodsly goodness is in transition,
and i s'pose that's just nature winning in her roundabout way.
the styles stay hard,
the nights get longer though the days are lightening,
and all of it,
all the time,
is unfolding along the creases and kinks of the secret universal plan.
none of it makes sense until it's over.
i guess we've got that to look forward to.
is that the wind howling or the fat lady singing?
the caterwauls and catcalls all sort of sound the same these days;
never quiet, never soft.....


chunkymaymay said...

dear Albie,
you make me smile grace of your history. thank you!!!!!!! you are my hero! :D

Unknown said...

What a great reflection to see you embraced life to the fullest with how different each stage was. Your hair in the first photograph has pizzazz I like it!