Tuesday, February 18

i am not ashamed.

i have a thirteen year old kid.
i do.
and i gotta teach her, AND her sister about important stuff...
and when i say important?
i mean super nerd activation.
(trust me, that is important)
it's not all that big a deal, though, really,
except that when i was thirteen,
waaaay back in the olden days,
when imagination was your favorite toy
and playing knights with wooden swords outside
was the objective of my entire neighborhood.....
that was it.
i'm sayin',
the advanced dungeons and dragons second edition
was published for the first time.
that other other sh!t for smart dorks and weirdies-
that big business, with barbarians and bards,
ate up every single flippin' saturday for the next five years,
in some form or another,
with graph paper and randomized dice rolls...
and what's more,
after about another six years later,
it was reprinted and i bought all of them all over again.
aaaand here we are, again,
nineteen years since those halcyon days,
and i'm reliving my teenage nerdiness as hard as ever.
check the third-time-is-the-charm-type teleport:
+5 vs. popularity and social poise!
that's riiiiight.
i'm tellin' y'all-
i couldn't pass up an opportunity to possess them again.
i mean it.
and now,
full circle overlaps of cultivated imagination will bear fruit.
me and my kids will be trying to roll natural twenties,
critical hits,
and all sorts of other semi-unpredictable chance encounters
with our brains and our (imaginary) brawn.
lightning-striking savagery and hot fires of chaos are on the menu
for today's doings and goings-on.
it's a snow day, too,
so almost anything can happen...
and with all the equipment,
the optional encumberance rule discarded,
and a few pencils,
we're gonna get fresh with some heroism of the lamest kind;
never quiet, never soft.....

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