Wednesday, November 11

'leven 'leven.

today is the day,
it's a whole bunch of things;
some of them are good,
others not so good,
and a few aren't even really worth mentioning....
in addition to a big ol' thanks-for-your-service sort of gratitude
for those military manly men-in-action who did a bunch of war stuff,
it's also my day off,
which, in fact,
directly affects how i spend my time and money,
and in turn,
means that it's very important to me,
since that's the only time i have open to exercise my options
for immediate enjoyment, extrinsic fulfillment,
and personal projects directing my future self's development and evolution.
and also,
it's eleven eleven,
which is pretty F*ing expert just because it is.
word up.
knowing that today is a big deal,
is anyone surprised that it's raining?
nature wins, even when i didn't want to play.
oh, and hold on a minute,
because guess who is getting firewood delivered today?
it's me.
in this sloppy, foggy, drippy rainy doo-doo,
occupying hours and hours of my one day to do everything i've gotta...
and instead of endeavoring to perseverem
i'll be shelling out loot to a woodsly goodfellow,
and soaking myself sick and silly,
piling stacks on stacks of lumbered jacks and split shivered timbers and tinder,
...without any of the swipe left options.
that's real.
if it's s'posed to be a day of world-weary warrior poetry,
and armistice for the artifice of armored amorouslessness,
what can i even DO to brighten the bleary and bleak weak-sauce of this
worrisome wednesday in the woodsly goodness?
i think that's it.
check the teleport:
chocolate oh-snap buttersnaps.
you should.
they're crispy crawnchers,
with that melty cocoa-loco hottness throughout the crumbs.
so, think extra-snappy sugar cookies, or brown burly butterbabies,
or something along those lines,
with the added activation of melted darrrrrrk chocolate vanilla-bean ganache
lathered in between each pair of handsome hearts,
holding them in place,
and putting the candyman bar-barian chocolate into play..
if you factor in the confectioners sugar sprankled on top,
what you've got is light, airy, melty, decadent,
and dare i say it? delicate dopeness,
served up in matched sets of sexxy cocoa togetherness.
cookie love, kids,
and wood enmity.
that's MY day.
it goes to eleven on the busy scale,
and also to eleven on the hard-stylometer.
i've been keeping crabtree with me at all times.
it's not easy,
especially when a busy busy workday is underway,
and his little legs need strecthing,
and his tiny teeth need gnawing,
and his stinky butt needs to seriously stop farting right next to me,
because all the crackery super-scentedcandles in the world
can't completely cover the hot fire of a terrier's terrible turd-air....
i'm just sayin',
folks're gonna assume i'm the smelly kid.
and, what's more and even worse,
the landlady isn't feelin' a puppy in the building.
i mean,
c'mon, ma'am, maybe have a little heart?
it's a unique and anxiety-fueled challenge,
to cooperate and collaborate with some of my coworkers to keep him secret,
and squirrel him away in plain sight,
or smuggle him outside at the exact opportune time....
it's like a family movie subplot,
where the naughty precocious hero keeps his newfound pet at home,
while his parents wonder where all the soup bones have gone off to....
i mean it, though.
i'm grateful for the stressful days of synergy and symbiosis
with the dog-loving duders i do business with...
i'm lucky to have my little man,
and all these big side-taking two-legged homies, too.
friends take sides.
i mean it.
that's how you know who they are.
real talk;
never quiet, never soft.....

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