Monday, November 23


not busy.
that's not how sundays are supposed to be.
at work, i mean.
they can be easy if you're sitting around at home,
or whatever and wherever regular people span time and space
doing regular weekend day-off sportsing and lounging.
on my irregular but consistent sunday afternoons,
i want the tattoo shop to be a busting hotbed of sweet moolah
and fat stacks on stacks on stacks of big action.
nature wins,
...even when we don't want to play-
and biting bitter cold and drizzly misty rain teamed up to form up
a force field of unpleasantry that surrounded the studio,
and kept any worthwhile movie checks from breaking through.
i didn't do nothing.
i never ever do that.
in between hard styles and tough tatzap crap slaps,
i also broke out the not busy bust-out budget paints.
because t.j. maxx had a fresh-to-death little frame,
and i scoopled it up.
the teej has all the top-secret white-people stuff,
and when i find it, i get it, because i want it.
and that flowery framework needed a little activation inside the central circle.
i doo-doo that cheap-art baby-bite-sized makery.
i had a little minute, so i made a little thing-
check the discount-dopeness-type-teleport:
they have another 'nother one,
and i think i'm gonna have to go get that one, too.
small art in small spaces in spare moments is good for you.... like nutrients.
there's a lull in the overlapping circles of spirit and memory.
a deep breath,
a pregnant pause,
a sense of purpose,
and a feeling of foreboding-
thanksgiving gratitude and generosity are headed my way,
in heaps and piles, mounds, mountains, and rivers of F*ing gravy-
in these final days and nights leading up to the gregarious gluttony
of a considerate and concentrated coalesced family togetherness extravaganza,
there's time to reflect on the events of this year,
and years past,
and to observe a moment or two in professionally-accredited appreciation
of the worthy warrior poetry;
savage stormswept raging gypsy machinations;
berserker barbarian battle beastly bard business;
shark-gluttonous good-food Folk Life Libertarianism;
lightning-striking virtuous viking values-driven victory;
and active participation in words and deeds for all the days before today.
...and today is the day,
just like every day.
and in a few days, it'll be an even big bigger day-
but all of 'em, all the time, are all really happening,
and i'm grateful for the time i have been given;
never quiet, never soft.....

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