Saturday, November 23


in just eight days it's time for the best eight days.
december first starts on a sunday-
and rules is rules, y'know?
that's right.
because we all love what happens when that happens, don't we?
we do.
sandwich week is coming back,
and i, for one, am as excited about it as i can be.
i love sandwiches.
i love being creative.
i love eating my feelings.
and i've got a whole lot of those during the holiday season.
so, really, it's perfect timing for a smorgasbørd of sandwich hottness.
in preparation for the big action,
i got a little teaser activated to whet my imagination and tastebuds.
check the teleport:
homemade big action deliciousness for my face.
the bread was baked freshie-fresh.
the seitan was from scratch, naturally.
the rest was inspired, and left nothing but more sandwiches to be desired.
that's arugula and radicchio tossed together, 
with sticks of green apple thrown into the mix,
so that the crisp and the crunch and the sweet and the bitter all do something special.
there's seared orange and red baby sweet tomatoes on top,
and fried leeks,
and toasted almond slice sprankles.
i'm telling you,
the combination of flavors and textures before you even consider the bread 
and the seitan is already turned up to eleven.
it's really pretty freaking good, neighbors.
the bread was expert.
a soft high-hydration semi-ciabatta style loaf,
slathered with vegan mayo, and toasted up in a pan.
nobody needs the recipe, you'll be okay without it.
and then there's the seitan.
dredged in a mix of flour, gf bread crumbs, salt, pepper, crushed fennel seeds, 
rubbed rosemary, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, 
a dash of smoked paprika, and a little cornstarch to keep it crispy...
fried up on both sides in vegan butter, all sorts of juicy on the inside,
and excellent on the every side.
sandwiches, man.
they're the best.
and one that's as well-appointed as this one?
that's the stuff that makes me feel something real in my self-esteem center, son.
i mean it.
i made this up,
and i made this happen.
i'm proud of that;
never quiet, never soft.....

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