Tuesday, October 26

foggy bottoms.

pie filling.
that's what's happening.
as in:
guess what's coming out of the large hole inside my skull?
the aftermath of a connecticut-induced illness
is apparently a brutal nose-hole gulag of hard, hard pounding.
in my head.
a whole rainbow of horrors is lurking in my nodes and membranes-
i've got a sinus cavity that's packed to the limits
with a whole bakery's worth of premade pie filling.
sometimes it's lemon custard.
sometimes it's key lime.
and sometimes,
when the pressure is so intense i think my eyes may shoot out
across the room,
and my hair must be standing on end,
there's even pumpkin pie filling.
it's every bit as disturbing as y'all'd imagine.
i can blow all day,
and it still keeps comin' out too.
(that's what she said)
it's a real joy-destroyer, duders,
this gummy doo-doo butter in my head.
as my head is swelling with sauce...
we've got company.
our buddy jenny from pennsylvania is up.
because enjoying the spacious hottness
of the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress
in the autumny splendor of the woodsly goodness,
is exactly what everyone needs.
that's a real thing.
in fact,
it makes me wonder where the rest of y'all are hiding.
i'm just sayin'.
i wish the adventures were roiling,
and the accomplishments boiling over,
but all i've got is blops and glops of
citrus-shaded slick slime.
my head is a petri dish;
never quiet, never soft.....

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