Monday, October 4

i doo-doo them jauns.

my homeboy toby got this last month.
and i took a picture.
i almost don't believe it either.
but it's true.
pure fish. a grown up real-person tattoo.
no bubble-cheeked cartoons or nothin'.
maybe just a little tiny bit.
old ways, y'all.
they die hard.
like batteries and bruce willis.
how about that?
i figured since the last tatblasted-up jammer y'all saw
was 'the estar bunny',
maybe i should let heads know about how i'm still here.
and still sincere,
about all the things i doo-doo.
here, for really real, is another 'nother one-
..and it's a not-exactly-creative cover-up, too.
got a goobieblop of unwanted weak sauce on your chest?
no problem.
how about a big black hole of a monster mouth?
well, i hope you wanted a battle-beast-
because that's what's on the menu.
so there it is;
a couple of more recent, non-crayon-based zappers,
for your faces.
i still do this stuff.
never quiet, never soft.....

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