Monday, October 4

this just in.

in my bellyhole, i mean.
ohhhhhh, sh!t!!
it was like a perfet relapse.
like a junkie shooting the whole bag.
falafels, neighbors.
pure heaven for my whole face.
oh how i missed my little deep-fried nuggets.
one two three.
check this chickpea chastisement:
three in a row,
right down the hatch.
chomp. chomp. chomp.
shark gluttony, duders.
and they went down sooo smooth.
and quick.
i mean, with all the bite and swallow,
and none of the tedious chewing...
that's my word, too, ninjas.
we stayed at the fair for all of thirty minutes.
just long enough to get our whole-week-long admission armbands,
and that tasty tahini-troweled garbanzoey goodness.
food, photos of food, and non-stop monotonous munching.
really real.
it almost makes my horribly disfigured clear-cut acreage
a little less terrible.
almost, but not quite-
i'll find solace at the tail end of a whole wheat pita,
until i find satisfaction for the wrongs of this miserable world;
never quiet, never soft.....

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