Tuesday, April 3

april showers...

bring a lot of flaked-up sloughing.
i'm somehow still shedding my skin.
i suppose that it's just a necessary process
for the purposes of becoming something else.
i think that might be true.
i mean,
i also got a haircut and a baby beard trim today, too.
that's real, neighbors.
any chance i have to decrease my undesirability
seems like a chance i can't afford to miss, y'heard?
notice i didn't say increase my desirability.
...totally intentional, kids.
nobody gets to get expert by faking reality
in any manner whatsoever.
word up.
the problem with skin-shedding animals is
that only cicadas turn into something way crazier.
and cicadas lump around underground for yeeeeeeeears,
and when they pop out from deep within the dark recesses
of the earth's dirty embrace,
they look even flippin' scarier than they did,
and have like eleven seconds to hump it up,
as hard and as often as they can,
just to squirt more babies into the earth,
to suffer beneath the roots of the world,
doomed to repeat the whole thing over and over and over.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, man.
looks like it's almost better to shed like a slithery snake, son.
you're still a snake afterwards,
but you're a F*ing bigger snake, right?
more, kids.
that's all there ever is,
even when what little hair my big misshapen head
has remaining has been cut away and shortened.
there's only ever more.
april won't stop foolin' around,
and i may be all set already.
oh, c'mon;
never quiet, never soft.....

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