Wednesday, April 25


odin gave up his eye
for knowledge of the runes, y'all.
he also hung upside down from a tree
for a whole bunch of time,
until the meaning was made clear to him.
it was the gift of language.
explanation, description, understanding.
an eye, neighbors.
and a bloodrushing swollen heavy head,
the ultimate double dose of dizzy spells
and built-to-spills,
all in order to flippin' see clearly.
now that's some sh!t.
and here i was,
thinking that writing isn't always that easy.
try going half blind to receive the information
in the mutha-b!tching first place.
the up-shot is that you DO get
a day of the week named after you,
or at least your saxon incarnation, anyway.
that's not so bad, i guess.
get ready, minnesota.
you've got a batch of about sixty hours
of all-the-way live albie rock show thunder
headed directly at your faces.
a short-and-sweet-and-sour whirlwind
a tornado of visitation and activation,
starting cinco de mayo,
as in, casa de papa anniversario supremo,
and lasting through the belated mayday parade,
onward into a day of big fun louderhorn
togetherness and busy businesstime discussion,
and i'll be back before the milk has curdled, kids.
i'm expecting fancy sushi, mexican magic,
and a responsible nurse-shark gluttony amount
of all the calorie counting rawfulness in-between.
you've gotten your heads up.
now get ready;
never quiet, never soft.....

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