Saturday, April 7

full of it.

that moon out there, duders.
you seen that sh!t?
it's lit up like a giant easter egg of awesomeness.
for real.
and the otherwise empty evening
is totally full of light.
flooded with it,
overflowing with it,
brimming over with illumination.
that's real.
sleeplessness is just one side effect
of that nocturnal inversion, neighbors.
wolfman activation is another.
and that's definitely a thing.
i'm reppin' that leader of the pack jauns, too, y'all.
lone wolfen?
not yet, but ask me again tomorrow.
i've got another 'nother day off this sunday,
and it kick starts a Folk Life & Liberty-type
Fortress of solitude interlude, duders.
just sayin',
i'm once again doing my dirt all by my lonely,
as the homestead will be limited to olive the dog
and yours truly, of course,
until some time next week.
i don't know about that.
i take time and i utilize it,
i take distance and i use it for gaining perspective,
i take space and i fill it with light,
i'm a F*ing warrior poet,
and we keep it really real.
i've got a howling heart and hairy palms,
it's all really happening;
never quiet, never soft.....

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