Monday, April 23

an even darker place.

floods, kids.
deluges, even.
we're on that days and days of rain sh!t,
and it's shooting down at a steady rate
with intermittent blastbeats of pouring
and pattering and that sort of thing.
it's a hard rain and a hard style
and a steady streaming torrent of
terrible weather and unlovely hours.
the muddy banks are swollen well past
the point of holding out,
and the overflowing excess is activating
all kinds of washouts and sweep-aways.
it's brown and festy, and i can't really hang out.
of course, it's outside and it's raining,
so it's unlikely i ever even would, y'heard?
i don't doo-doo that moistened mayhem.
it's misanthropic miscreancy for me,
as far as the eye can see...
and that's not any remarkable distance, duders.
the cloudcover at this altitude is basically a foggy
fence obscuring and occluding everything.
the sun will NOT come out tomorrow
any more than it did today or yesterday.
it's dark,
it's cold,
it's busted,
and it's the regularly scheduled programming
for months like this.
april showers mutha-'uckers.
that's a thing.
my weekend is here,
and as usual,
i'm the last to know about what's up.
the light and the bright,
like i just told y'all,
are suffusive far too rarely,
and elusive the rest of time.
i described the feeling to a good friend yesterday-
it's like watching a dying star.
you know it's on it's way out,
and you know that there's not much you can do.
the worst part, really,
is that it takes so long for the last gasp
to reach across millions and millions of light years
that once you finally witness it,
it's already been dead for generations.
spirits and memories and ghost circles
rippling away from what was,
and breaking on the insurmountable obstacle
of What Is.
enjoy your evening, friends;
never quiet, never soft.....

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