Wednesday, April 3

smaller and smaller and smaller.

it's a small art kind of day.
that's real.
i got up super-extra really early,
and starting blasting my brain with all the vapors from all the different stuff.
that's real.
turns out you will totally get a brutal headache.
especially if you sit one huffing puffing inch away from those poisonous fumes.
my brain is damaged,
but my heart is strong,
and my mind is cloudy,
but my hands are steady,
and it's happening again, neighbors.
small art, with all the rubber cement that you could ever want.
check the french-style greyscale magic badger activation teleport:
a tanuki,
sans heroic ballbag.
(it's tucked behind his legs, obviously)
and that's just one asian-inspired arthur-type bit of hottness.
the other is even less optimistic.
no, those aren't bloody slug nubs, ninjas.
they're wrapped up arms and legs like in a snuggie or some sh!t.
daruma knows what's up.
too bad about how he's just wishing and hoping and sweating over the outcome
of all the secret dreams he harbors.
one-eyed and half-empty, kids.
that's a thing.
all the eagle's eggs are double-yolked for supreme nutrient expertism.
and other times,
like today, for example,
they're all hollow.
that's right-
they give me NO nutrients.
you can't fight to win if you're getting paid to lose.
that's the truest story i can tell you guys today;
never quiet, never soft.....

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