Friday, December 27

pizza parties.

if i'm gonna be in connecticut,
and my ace numero uno homeboy
is also gonna be in connecticut,
then there's just no way we aren't gonna get together.
i gave my bestest friend his present while we spanned time
down in the ruts and ruins of our childhood.
me and the cucch go way back,
to the bottom of the barrel,
and to the early days of being broke, broken, ugly,
and somehow still so dope.
he was around when all of this all started,
and he's still around.
a friend like that you make sure to stay connected to.
no jokes.
if you haven't been through it,
you probably can't really understand it.
rules is rules.
check the what-the-F*-type teleport:
i guess some duders just can't be content wearing just one hat.
that pipe isn't actually that big,
but perspective goes a long way sometimes.
so we rode around being expert,
and getting gifts for people.
we do what we have to do, neighbors,
right up until the deadline.
and if we're last-ditch half-A* low-effort XI-mas shopping?
that's right.
we definitely need fuel for our bodies.
i mean,
how else are we gonna ward of connecticitits?
that's a thing.
the environment in the nutmeg state is toxic to warrior poets.
that's why all the really real ones all moved away.
world-renowned super-famous nationally-ranked-and-accredited,
high-rated turbo-elite neighborhood pizzeria,
frank pepe's,
was what we got to hold us over.
two pizza-pies for two pizza-pie guys.
check the we-got-there-before-the-crowd-type teleport:
so simple,
but so flippin' rad.
we get busy with our throwback business.
a meal, a minute,
a few laughs, a hug, and that's that.
see you next year, my ninja.
life is pain,
but it hurts in a good way once in a while
like when you laugh until you cry a little.
overlaps of circles and cycles and routines and roads.
it's all interconnected,
rings of fire, smoke, memory, spirit, and electricity-
everything touches,
and intertwines,
and becomes a spiral of layers and layers and layers
of all of it as it all really happens.
ripples from the center,
and echoes from the edges.
people come and go and return and leave again,
and so do places.
i'm glad i came up where i did,
and i'm glad i'm at where i am now.
what i look forward to most, though, friends,
is where i'm headed.
it never ever stops moving,
all of it,
unfolding outward and picking up speed.
the plans might be secret,
but every interactive participatory piece reveals a little bit more.
and the object, if nothing else,
is always more.
where i'm from and where i'm at combining
to make something better than both?
time takes time.
that's a thing;
never quiet, never soft.....

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