Monday, December 23

shopping spree.

today was a rainy, congested, clammy,
clogged-up sh!t-hot mess of pure uncut connecticut.
it seems even the elements make sure to conspire
and plot out all kinds of crappiness while i'm here.
whatever, though-
i brought the thunder AND the lightning-striking viking jauns
right along with eleven kinds of secret sunshine.
that's real.
i just happen to have had maple and harvest
with me all dang day long,
and we made our own magic wherever we went.
...and we went everywhere.
that included mamoun's.
what do you guys know about the the original longstanding
365-days-a-year real deal falafel business?
you don't know nothin'?
you'd better ask somebody to set you on the right path.
introductory activation is mandatory when in new haven.
no jokes, no excuses.
i did my duty to history and old-time's sake an' that.
more than a few of them found their way into our faces.
i mean,
we know what's good,
and we want all we can get until we're stuffed to the brim
with ultimate expertism, and tahini.
wee know how to beat bad weather and worse vibes
when we're surrounded by weak sauce and worse.
the shoppers trying to last-minute their messy situations
made it harder to get around town than it needed to be,
but we were powered by chickpeas,
and did all we had to and more.
(and the object is ALWAYS more)
more and more and more.
more what?
more of all of it.
and that included my personal favorite part.
check the celebratory-type teleport:
sprankles in XI-mas colors?
i'm telling you guys-
when i've gotta drive through the crackery causeways
of cheshire, connecticut-
you'd better believe there's gonna have to be a few
fresh-to-death scoops of emergency tofutti, too.
without the treats,
it's just a long drive to nowhere and back again.
real talk.
coffee crunch and cookies 'n' cream together?
the best one, neighbors.
that's exactly what that is.
i'm here.
i'm spanning time.
i'm doing the best i can.
and sure,
i'm missing out on the woodsly goodness;
and sure,
i'm missing those ones i'm without...
i've also got a whole family's worth of togetherness
to try to survive down here.
i've got what i got,
and i'll get what i deserve.
it's all really happening;
never quiet, never soft.....

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