the last day.
and it's a saturday.
you know what THAT means?
those of you who have followed me for a bit
will know that tomorrow is an important day, for several reasons,
and for the first time,
i'm experiencing diminished joy over my happiest times.
yes. it's true.
what happens when two of your most favorite events collide, overlap,
and interweave their tight own scheduling constraints
into your already overbooked schedule?
ok, ok, ok, OK.
i think i'm getting ahead of myself.
tomorrow is the first. of the month,
AND it's a sunday.
so, as i just asked: DO you know what that means?
up here, in the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress,
nestled snugly in the woodsly goodness,
a ways away from conventional holiday cheer,
but firmly entrenched in the magic of self-governed creative causes for celebration,
we have our own special calendar for warrior poetic active participation.
and when the first starts off in the top left corner of the grid,
it's time to bake a whole lotta bread,
and get your seitan simmered,
your tofu marinated,
and your beans mashed and formed into powerhouse patties.
rules is rules, after all,
and chief among them is that any sunday that is also the first of the month
starts off eight amazing days of dietary devastation and deliciousness-
sandwich week is here, kids.
and that's usually the best news ever.
the notion that too much is the right amount is being tried and tested
by a competing cause for autumnal awesomess.
tomorrow is also the start of maine's blue ribbon classic:
the fryeburg fair jumps off it's own eight days
of furious fresh-to-death falafel feasting, as well.
why is it that even my best vibes are dischordant?
yes, falafel does count as a sandwich.
yes, the fair is kind of out of the way these days.
yes, i hardly have time to make regular dinner most nights.
yes, i am conflicted and consternated and clutching at my own sparse hair.
yes, i want to create epic epicurean concoctions in keeping with tradition.
what's going to happen?
i don't know.
but, i'll wager it'll all work out the way it's s'posed to.
in the meantime,
i also made some pretty tight and TILTY cookies.
ginger on ginger with more ginger on top.
check it:

haha.......but for real though.
the cookie game was smooth as heck.
nearly effortless, to be honest.
and it went a little somethin' like this:
preheat your oven to 375℉.
in a medium mixing bowl, cream up:
1 stick (8T) earth blance butterish;
1/2 tsp salt;
3/4 cup sugar;
1/4 cup brown sugar;
2 T agave;
1 tsp vanilla.
add 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce;
5 tsp ground ginger;
(i'd probably also add 1 tsp fresh grated ginger if you've got it)
1/2 tsp allspice;
1/2 tsp mace;
next, stir in:
2 1/2 cups flour;
1 tsp bakey powpow;
1 tsp bakey soda;
3 T molasses.
now you've got cookie dough.
easy easy easy easy.
two dozen plus one of flattened golfball-sized freshness were spaced evenly apart,
and baked for 11 minutes on two trays.
when cool,
they got a slap-up of ginger-laced icing on top,
and a dose of color-coordinated autumnal sprankles.
that's how we do it around here.
moderation is an outmoded means of interfacing with the world we live in.
excessive excellence is all i want to even know about.
and these ginger cookies did the trick.
today we say goodbye to september.
too quickly, if you ask me,
and tomorrow,
we see where we can fit a whole lot MORE food, essentially eating at all times,
in between the already overfull minutes of every last day from here on out.
it's ALL occurring at alarming speed,
the velocity of life is ever-increasing,
and i think there's a sonic boom on the horizon,
somewhere between sandwich week and the 11th falafel-
although it may just be the sound of my pants bursting from overfilled shark gluttonous fatness;
never quiet, never soft.....