(it's a veg-e-table)
especially when wilted in olive oil,
with some diced scallions.
how about stuffed mushrooms?
and potatoes?
what are you, an A-hole?
even that beige faux meatishness was good.
we even baked up a coffee crumb cake.
we watched TWO movies, too.
one at the theater,
one in the home theater,
and both were pretty flippin' terrific.
monsters kicked some alien butts,
and a tiny mouse fought with a soup-ghost against some rats.
even in the throes of impending homelessness,
good food and great times were had.
it was so dang windy up here all dang day;
coinciding with the anniversary weekend
of the world's worst wind,
that it put the kibosh on the proposed hot fire festival.
instead of barbarian bonfires,
it brought the usual bevy of brutal truths;
cold temperatures, hard times, and long nights.
heralded by the harbingers of What Is:
war and change.
also some answers,
will all barrel by,
blowin' on and bellowing in,
carried like leaves with the breeze,
really kinda robert zimmerman an' that.
the whole woods was a swingin' and swayin',
all day and all night.
i should go rake up,
but then again,
i'm moving!
it was pretty much a nor'easter.
as in:
neither the weekend,
NOR easter,
provided any respite from the rush to find a solution to our situation.
two and a half weeks, my ninjas,
that's what time we've got left
to pull out a buzzer-beater full-court victory.
time constraints are crushing my waking brain.
and my sleeping one, too.
wide awake or dreaming,
have been the same damn thing:
a haze of haunted, hungry, house-hunting.
at this point,
i'd be psyched on a hungry haunted house, even.
i've said it before:
you only get the time you get,
sometimes more literally than others.
warrior-poets and lightning-striking vikings
can only ever fight against time
until the last second ticks away....
running at eleven,
in the red,
until the very bitter end.
time is what you make it.
i'm over here fighting to keep mine
never quiet, never soft.....
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