Tuesday, April 28


our landlord gave us until june 1st to get the F* out of dodge.
that's a whole month of better.
so now we're boxed and ready to rock,
but not as sweaty about the prospect of actual streetside living.
the hunt continues for the perfect shelter.
we need a command center,
that's for sure.
a fresh fortress,
fortified with fury, flavor, and flair.
apartment-dwellers don't really get that.
i need a castle. a big burly bastion. a home base.
moves are being made.
believe it.

i've been tattooing a LOT of names this month.
a real LOT.
a whole holy helluva lot, even, an' that.
peoples up here are really getting into literacy.
words. words. words. words. words.
babies. lovers. mothers. pets. whoevers.
tribute tatty-o's are taking over.
people are dedicating huge swaths of skin to that business.
it's happening.
i'm doing it.
regrettable decisions,
lamentable locations,
incomprehensible images.
i doo-doo that freaky sh!t.
and i add a name to it, too.
one zappityzipzap at a time, ya'll.
i make it happen.
what can i say,
mutha-uckas gots to get that movie check, yo.
gimme some money.

how do warrior poets celebrate an extended stay in the woodsly goods?
we head to vermont for lunch.
it's a drive, ya'll,
but montpelier has those tasty vegan treats.
we need 'em.
the cucch is here again,
so we're gonna power our way over to the barbarian buffet,
and eat about twentyhundred pounds of delicious.
when it comes to waist-size waistband wastelands,
fatty-boombatty gorge is where its at.

and now that i've got an extra minute,
before i have to ride off and out,
i can hit up the photo portion of this documentary again.
spring is really all up in here.
the woodsly goodness is alive with growth.
so are we.
i'm growing roots up here.
that should allow for more upward expansion.
stationary, but not immobile.
never quiet, never soft.....

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