you may infer whatever you'd like from the above photo,
i admit nothing;
but i will say this:
viva fidel!
viva raul!!
viva la revolucion!!!
and since those dudes allow mobile phones now,
somebody should text them a thank you:
OMG, so delish! TTYL.
roll out a raft or two for those duders,
next time you're swimming off shore in miami.
word up.
my beautiful, talented, and all-around amazing little lovely ladies.
harvest & maple
went home today.
bummer city, my ninjas.
having them around helps to keep the focus on positivity.
they need it.
i need it.
it works out pretty good.
i'm positive about that.
where else did i go today?:

wellllll yeah,
but also to eleven.
you know, 2:11.
berserker barbarian bobotronic battle-beast.
i'd like to thank both my dogs for makin' finding a new place to live
SO SO SO much easier.
i spent the day in the car,
from here to massachussetts,
only to turn right around,
with an added hour of traffic to enjoy,
and i feel as spent as if i jogged there and back again.
it's 5 o'clock,
do you know where your children are?
i do.
they're back on the weak-sauce waterbury town line.
until next time;
never quiet, never soft....
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