so big.
so thick.
so dirty.
(that's what she said....)
that thing is huge!
the cucch and i got down on some quality manliness time,
which obviously involves huffin' and puffin' on smoldering stink-sticks.
fat bastards!
that's what these burly battle-baguettes are called.
and no joke,
they sure live up to the name.
do i look surprised?
i was,
because i got a glimpse of my reflection with that sturdy shillelagh hangin'
out of my facehole.
shillelaghs are so dope, my ninjas.
battle-bashing walking sticks?
i know,
that's pretty fresh, innit?
we nubbed those cannons down,
in the cold and wet and windy weather.
little minutes,
questionable choices,
good friends.
a battle-bard booster shot of bromance, ya'll.
time is what you make of it,
and this time made my tongue taste like a tarantula's testicles.....
we drove around all afternoon long,
checkin' out homes and neighborhoods.
without any revelations or successes, or even promising leads.
then it was back to the house again.
jess made some kickass roasted garlic homemade hummus,
and then a little later on, my peoples baked up a trio of super-duper delicious pizzas!
and we tuned up and emptied out a bottle of birch beer, b!tches.
that's the only acceptable accompanying beverage.
and we ate candy beans.
and watched 'role models'.
the kind of day that would've seemed idyllic
save for the sword of damocles perched precariously
over the impending relocation abomination.
dingle-dangling over our heads ya'll,
it's a regular rocky horror....
portland, maine is the destination for the day.
brown people food,
art boutiques,
my buddy phuc,
and a day of delayed duties.
time is what you make it,
like i said.
today i'm making it meaningful,
alongside the meandering manner
by which i'm circumnavigating my immediate concerns.
savage gypsy nomads may be the likes of us in just weeks from now.
keep an open ear to the road for the harmonicas and the gunfire, mutha-lickas;
never quiet, never soft...
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